
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
An Iron Will by Orison Swett Marden
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Happy New Year!
I recorded this classic in one sitting (with two tea breaks) on New Year's Day.
It would have felt odd, almost insulting to the spirit of the work, to have turned the task into a set of delicate slices. Orison Swett Marden was a self-help author from New Hampshire who suffered numerous setbacks in his life, including the loss of his hotel and 5,000 manuscript pages in a fire.
He was admired by Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Teddy Roosevelt, and British PM William Gladstone. His insights, rendered in an elegant but electrifying style, continue to inspire and invigorate.
Let's make 2023 spectacular.
Warm regards,

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Foresight and Global Issues
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Jerome C. Glenn is a futurist who serves as the Executive Director of the Millennium Project. He has been the Executive Director of the American Council for the United Nations University and the Deputy Director of Partnership for Productivity International.

Monday Sep 23, 2019
The Good Night Sleep Project with Richard Jacobs
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
The Good Sleep Project
Richard's Podcast
Don Norman's books

Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Dr. Bill Andrews is the Founder and CEO of Sierra Sciences, a company focused on finding ways to extend human lifespan and health span through telomere maintenance. Telomeres are found at the tips of our chromosomes and have been shown, in thousands of scientific peer-reviewed studies, to be the clock of aging in humans. When telomeres get shorter, we get older, and our health declines.
As a scientist, athlete and executive, Bill continually pushes the envelope and challenges convention. He has been featured in Popular Science, The Today Show and numerous documentaries on the topic of life extension including, most recently, the movie The Immortalists in which he co-stars with Dr. Aubrey de Grey. See www.theimmortalists.com/watch. Bill is known for being a scientist first, focusing on scientific research, allowing others, instead, to market the products that his company discovers.
Bill has been a medical researcher in biotech since 1981, focusing on cancer, heart disease, and inflammation research, though his passion has always been aging. In the early-to-mid 1990’s, while at Geron Corporation, Bill led the research to discover both the RNA and protein components of the human enzyme called telomerase. This enzyme is responsible for preventing telomeres from shortening in human reproductive cells, and this is why our children are born younger than we are even though they come from our old cells. Inducing this enzyme to lengthen telomeres in all our cells, not just our reproductive cells, to reverse aging and declining health due to aging, is the principal goal of Sierra Sciences.
Sierra Sciences does not do research on animals, choosing to focus primarily on humans. Nonetheless, other labs using Sierra Sciences technologies have shown that lengthening telomeres, using the enzyme telomerase, can provide significant health benefits including reversal of aging and declining health in every way imaginable. An interview by Diane Sawyer describes the results from an animal study done at Harvard. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np7cR7Z6UGA. Bill is presently conducting a clinical study on humans using the same technologies applied successfully to animals. The first patient is scheduled to be treated in early May of 2019. See www.libellagt.com
Bill was awarded 2nd place as "National Inventor of the Year" in 1997 for his cancer research. Bill earned his Ph.D. in Molecular and Population Genetics at the University of Georgia in 1981. He then served as Senior Scientist at Armos Corporation and Codon Corporation, Director of Molecular Biology at Berlex Biosciences and at Geron Corporation, and Director of Technology Development at EOS Biosciences, before starting Sierra Sciences in 1999 where he now serves as President & CEO as well as Chief Scientific Officer. Bill is also a named inventor on over 50+ US-issued patents on telomerase and author of numerous scientific research studies published in peer reviewed scientific journals.
Bill is also an avid ultra-marathon runner. He regularly competes in 50 and 100+ mile races often finishing at the top of his age group. These grueling races have taken him all over the world to race in some of the most extreme environments, from Death Valley to the Himalayas. His running is presently featured in the movie The High.
See www.thehighdoc.com. He considers endurance exercise, when done properly, to be a way to significantly slow down the aging process. Bill’s obsession is to cure aging, and that includes his own aging. His regimen to slow down his own aging and declining health is unique and based on years of his own research.
Videos of Bill Speaking at conferences:
Books that Bill has written:
Partners that sell products discovered at Sierra Sciences:
Defytime (www.defytime.com)
Libella Gene Therapeutics (www.libellagt.com).
ALCAT, mentioned in this podcast:
The Kaufmann Protocol: Why We Age and How to Stop It
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr. M.D.

Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Ron is the writer and producer of Classic Movies with Ron. He has IMDB credits for Karloff and Me (2006), Boris Karloff: The Man Behind the Monster (2019) and The Mummy 75th Anniversary Tribute (2008). Recently his children's book, We Don't Feel Like It, has been published by GenZ.

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Gisele Waters, Ph.D. is an innovation psychologist and researcher. To inform the promise and challenge of innovating human and machine integrations such as artificial intelligence and blockchain into healthcare and the life sciences; she draws from a Ph.D. In Education Psychology, M.Ed. in Special Education, a B.A. in Economics and 25 plus years of multidisciplinary success in education, business, and science. Her bandwidth extends to being a multimillion dollar Texas real estate broker and education advisor to startups in healthcare, biotech, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. Much of Gisele's core competencies are fueled by her passion for the cognitive and behavioral sciences and decades of working in between human and digital education contexts as an academic and researcher.
She uses atypical combinations of skills and knowledge across domains and integrates them to create breakthrough analysis of the human and social elements of exponential technology. Her multicultural/multilingual backgrounds also bring much needed perspectives to AI ethics and blockchain in healthcare because most applications have yet to take into account how different populations are intentionally and unintentionally impacted by algorithms, automation and human bias. She is also Research Scholar at Hu-manity.science and Vice Chair of the Risk Subgroup for IEEE's P7000 Standard which establishes a process model by which engineers and technologists can address ethical consideration throughout the various stages of system initiation, analysis and design.
All her endeavors in both public and private sectors share are a common thread focused on the importance of human behavior and social relationships as they relate to improving innovation capacity. Gisele's latest innovation research is focused on the idea that human behavior and social organizations are at the fulcrum of where ethics and automation can become optimally integrated by design for good, bad or neutral impact. Her diverse skill set addresses the nuances, silences, spaces and intersections of disciplines which make her especially adept at listening to the calls for innovation where many fail to analyze opportunity.
Articles mentioned:

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Ruth E. Kastner earned her M.S. in Physics and Ph.D. in Philosophy (History and Philosophy of Science) and the University of Maryland, College Park (1999). She has taught a variety of philosophy and physics courses throughout the Baltimore-Washington corridor, and currently is a member of the Foundations of Physics group at UMCP.
She is also an Affiliate of the physics department at the SUNY Albany campus. She specializes in time-symmetry and the Transactional Interpretation (TI) of quantum mechanics, and in particular has extended the original TI of John Cramer to the relativistic domain. Her interests and publications include topics in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, quantum ontology, counterfactuals, spacetime emergence, and free will.
Ruth is the author of two books: The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: The Reality of Possibility (Cambridge, 2012) and Understanding Our Unseen Reality: Solving Quantum Riddles (Imperial College Press, 2015). She is also an Editor of the collected volume Quantum Structural Studies (World Scientific, 2016).

Friday Oct 26, 2018
The Best of Blockchain: Joseph Synder and Chris Brown of Lannister Holdings
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Lannister Holdings, Inc., an Arizona company, is currently trading under the Symbol NBDR on the US OTC Market. We will use @LannisterNBDR Twitter account for announcements moving forward.
Dedicated to being the world’s premier US based blockchain development firm, Lannister Development will build bespoke systems for clients around the world while deploying, testing, and globally protecting the systems and technologies vital to our internal focus of facilitating real estate finance on blockchain.

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
"The world's ruling structure has been reset. The future of chaos awaits! " - Hououin Kyouma
To say that I am a passionate entrepreneur only works if you make sure to add that I am known to be a bit of mad scientist as well. People would laugh when I told them I would change the shipping industry for good and make it possible for everyone to have what they really wanted: TRANSPARENCY on everything. Now, look! We have grown this wild idea into the fastest growing company in the United States.
So here is your chance - Want to talk to me about what it is like to be a CTO and co-founder of a truly successful startup? Want me to speak at your conference, do your podcast, or do a skype interview? Sure! I have been working for years straight to grow the company and now I want to talk about how I am doing just such with you. All the real questions you want ask about how hard it is, what it really takes... the money, the time, the emotional hardship, being a leader, not knowing anything, failing, succeeding from someone that is living the life day-to-day.
Or maybe you want to share your love of anime, JRPGS, or talk for hours about nerdy toys you grew up in childhood that you still love. I know I do! Crypto, blockchain, or neurology and a bit of lab research is more your speed? Not a problem, I got you covered. Sometimes though, you want to talk about about the philosophical and psychological underpinnings of how humans process thought, emotions, and generally deal with living their best life, okay let's do that too! Whatever you are passionate about let's shine some light on what is wonderful in your life... because tinkering and connecting is what it is all about. Reach out, let's learn something awesome together!
The adventure is just beginning. Would you like to come along?

Monday Sep 03, 2018
The Rocky Road to Success: Benjamin Walker, CEO of Transcription Outsourcing
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Ben Walker is the founder and CEO of Transcription Outsourcing, LLC in Denver, Colorado, which provides transcription services to the legal, law enforcement, medical, financial, academic, and business industries. Ben has become known worldwide as an expert in helping companies grow by utilizing the services of freelancers and contracted employees. He makes regular podcast appearances and has been featured in major publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc. Magazine.
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